Episode 7
The Keepers of the Gates
Welcome to "Creator 50".
Speaker:This is the podcast designed for gen X plus creators, but you
Speaker:know what everybody is welcome.
Speaker:It's kind of funny, somewhat to do with the topic that we're
Speaker:going to talk about today.
Speaker:I am your host Doc Rock.
Speaker:If you're brand new around these parts, I am a content creation coach and podcasts
Speaker:are, as you can see, I like to help people getting into the content creation game.
Speaker:So if you are.
Speaker:Gen X plus, if you remember Sunday morning, Saturday morning cartoons,
Speaker:eating cereal out of cutting a hole in the box and pourin' milk in it,
Speaker:you're probably in the right space.
Speaker:If that sounds crazy to you, you can still hang out anyway, because I
Speaker:think the info is good for anybody.
Speaker:We're going to talk today about gatekeepers.
Speaker:It's a crazy, crazy, crazy topic.
Speaker:It came to mind to me this week because I was having a internet discussion
Speaker:with my friend, Nikki, and we were talking about the Elon buyout, right?
Speaker:Like Elon's buying the Twitter thing and everybody's on like, oh, you know, it's
Speaker:going to make it better for free speech.
Speaker:And some people are like, oh, I'm jumping off Twitter because
Speaker:Twitter is going to become messy.
Speaker:And this, that, and the next thing.
Speaker:And I'm like, nah, hold up, pump your brakes, man.
Speaker:First of all, half the people that are excited about Elon coming back.
Speaker:Cause they're talking about, well, we're going to get our free speech back.
Speaker:Free speech ain't free.
Speaker:It turns out it costs about a one and a half to two million
Speaker:electric cars, AKA $44 billion.
Speaker:So it ain't that free if you got to buy it.
Speaker:And then now that Elon is in control.
Speaker:It's up to him, kind of what goes on the platform and what does it,
Speaker:so it's not really free, right?
Speaker:Like he's going to be controlling what people say or don't say, or maybe he's
Speaker:not, maybe he's just going to let you know everyone's freak flag fly and they can
Speaker:say whatever the heck they want and it's going to become a literal, like S show.
Speaker:It's funny because people don't really understand what that means and like, you
Speaker:know, good and well, you can't go into theater and yell fire, so people know what
Speaker:free speech is and what it, isn't just wanting the right to just spew hate that's
Speaker:not really what free speech is about.
Speaker:So let's just stop there.
Speaker:But the conversation came up, you know, as far as what does that mean for us
Speaker:creators, like creators that are out here using the platform for what they
Speaker:use it for spreading their word, like helping get mission and I say, you got
Speaker:to think of these things as tools, all of these tools can be taken away from
Speaker:you at any given time, back in the day grandpa's favorite tool was a rotary
Speaker:phone, you know, got one of those no more.
Speaker:So then what, you know, like he just gave up, you know, being a person
Speaker:because he no longer had the dial Lincoln five, six, seven, eight, nine.
Speaker:No, he kept making phone calls.
Speaker:He just learned to press the buttons.
Speaker:So if you're a creator, you learn to adapt and you learn to overcome
Speaker:whatever the craziness that is out there and well primarily.
Speaker:If you following my teachings or people like me, you're going to know that
Speaker:you're creating comes because you're working on a purpose in your purpose
Speaker:is ordered to get things better.
Speaker:So you're creating stuff to make people's life better.
Speaker:You create.
Speaker:An iPhone or a Macintosh™ or a tablet, or, you know, smart TV, the microwave, the air
Speaker:fryer, just one time for the air fryer!
Speaker:Where my air fryer, people at?
Speaker:All of those inventions were created to make people's lives better.
Speaker:The TV dinner was invented to make someone's life better.
Speaker:The car.
Speaker:Look, you start with that.
Speaker:The wheel let's take it back before computers exists, the wheel was
Speaker:invented to make people's lives better.
Speaker:Ugg and Zugg was kicking it, on the plateau one.
Speaker:And they decided that, well, they've got their kill, they hooked up a
Speaker:Brontosaurus and they were going to go back to the flat and grill.
Speaker:And then Ugg is like, yo man, the last time we drag this Brontosaurus
Speaker:down the hill, we lost half of the meat from the friction.
Speaker:Zugg is like Ugg , friction ain't been invented yet.
Speaker:Oh yeah.
Speaker:So anyway, how do we get this gigantic heavy, you know, Brontosaurus
Speaker:back to the crib so we could throw it on the barbie real quick.
Speaker:Zugg was Australian.
Speaker:He said, I know we'll take this rock and we'll beat it with this other rock
Speaker:until it becomes round, and then we can make three more of them and then
Speaker:put the Brontosaurus on the top and we can roll that joint to the flat
Speaker:and then we can get it going, but man, please stop using the lighter fluid.
Speaker:Lighter fluid is nasty!
Speaker:Just like hit the rock with the other rock, catch the fire...
Speaker:boom tastes better.
Speaker:Stop using lighter fluid user, a fire chimney.
Speaker:He was like, what's that?
Speaker:Don't worry.
Speaker:It'll be invented in like 1978 sometime.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Anyway, so we've been on that creator mission from way back bus, right?
Speaker:Like pre-dating time.
Speaker:Creators create!
Speaker:You create things to make people lives better.
Speaker:You create to share your knowledge.
Speaker:You create to invite other people along on your journey.
Speaker:You're normally trying to make the better place.
Speaker:So I said in a reel earlier this week, there's two types of
Speaker:peoples consumers and creators.
Speaker:There's people that just use use, use, use use.
Speaker:They don't really make anything.
Speaker:And there's the people that make.
Speaker:Well, lucky for us if you're listening to this podcast, I got a 95.9, 8%
Speaker:chance that you're probably a creator.
Speaker:So I just want to guide you with the knowledge that whoever owns TikTok
Speaker:or whatever tool YouTube or whatever becomes the next thing doesn't matter.
Speaker:Just keep creating and just creating with that purpose of making people's
Speaker:lives better and their situation better.
Speaker:And you're probably going to be, okay.
Speaker:We seem to be somewhat protected when we are in that creation mode.
Speaker:My boy Lemuel likes to say givers gain and he's telling the truth.
Speaker:Like that's what it is.
Speaker:If you're given the knowledge of your sharing, your secrets, uh,
Speaker:you're giving people entertainment, providing them with information
Speaker:that can make their lives better.
Speaker:You're probably going to be absolutely fine no matter what happens.
Speaker:What the gatekeepers do.
Speaker:Is they start coming in and this came up because we were in, in my conversation
Speaker:with Nikki, the gatekeepers come in and be like, oh, well, you don't need
Speaker:to be on Twitter no more, because Twitter is just going to become,
Speaker:you know, a mess and blah, blah, blah, Trust you me, if that person
Speaker:gets a lot of business from Twitter, they not stepping off the platform.
Speaker:In order to thin out the areas so that they have more room for themselves,
Speaker:people will tell you that it's stinks.
Speaker:People will, will say that this place is not the place to be,
Speaker:but yet they be over there.
Speaker:I'm doing.
Speaker:Recording live.
Speaker:And in my audience, I see my homie DJ Rob, right.
Speaker:Us DJs.
Speaker:I want to tell you right now guilty A F us DJs.
Speaker:And I see my boy K P, Keith Pelzer out here.
Speaker:He's a producer music producer, Rob is a producer.
Speaker:Us in the music business, in the hip hop business, back in the day, yo,
Speaker:we were all professional gatekeepers.
Speaker:We'll be like, nah, man, you can't get into the DJ game because you know,
Speaker:first of all, techniques is expensive.
Speaker:You know, I know you're still in that hood budget.
Speaker:I was in the hood budget techniques is expensive.
Speaker:It's hard.
Speaker:Oh yeah, by the way, I'm getting the beat right this way or that way was hard.
Speaker:Getting this particular sound was hard.
Speaker:Most of us kept our knowledge and our secrets to ourself.
Speaker:There's a funny line in, from Kid & Play Martin Lawrence, in Kid and Play he's
Speaker:playing DJ Bilal in a, whether that thing.
Speaker:Oh, my God.
Speaker:I can't even remember the name of the movie.
Speaker:Now this has bananas.
Speaker:Um, but there's a famous line house party and he's like, yo
Speaker:Bilal why you black out the labels?
Speaker:You know, cause this is true.
Speaker:Any old school DJ would know even any old school producer would know many producers
Speaker:would put that grill over the settings on their compressor so that when other
Speaker:people came to the studio, they couldn't see how they had that special sound.
Speaker:They were hiding stuff.
Speaker:You know what I mean?
Speaker:When you learned patches or you got that brand new 8 0 8 or that brand
Speaker:new nine two nine, or, you know, the six two six or Linn drum kit or
Speaker:something, people would kind of hide what they were using back in our day.
Speaker:And that made for limited to.
Speaker:Music dopeness.
Speaker:Right when the YouTube world came out.
Speaker:Everybody started snitching, right?
Speaker:People were showing you how to crab.
Speaker:People were showing you how to fade.
Speaker:People were teaching each other harmonic mixing for those of
Speaker:us that know how to do it.
Speaker:You can always tell a good DJ when they can harmonic mix.
Speaker:You know, when you first learned how to harmonic mix?
Speaker:Um, it's a rarity there weren't many of it.
Speaker:Rob and I share a friend DJ Toma when he was a kid, just because he was a
Speaker:cellist first, when he first started mixing me and my boy, James Cole, be
Speaker:listening and be like, yo man, this kid is harmonic mixing and he'd been
Speaker:deejaying for like a week and a half.
Speaker:It was natural to him because he was a musician.
Speaker:But you know, it's a thing, a lot of people don't people that do when you hear
Speaker:it, even if you're not in the music, you know what it is, cause your body reacts
Speaker:to it better it's this is what it is.
Speaker:So it was funny.
Speaker:We were really, really big time gatekeepers.
Speaker:We were very, very good at like blacking out the label so nobody can see what that
Speaker:hot new wax was or, you know, people would even go as far as streets cutting the
Speaker:labels out of stuff that they bought so that nobody else could copy their Steve's.
Speaker:Like it was crazy.
Speaker:Now we're in the world of info sharing.
Speaker:We kind of share it all.
Speaker:We give it all out there, but there's gatekeepers and why this matters
Speaker:to you as a new creator or up and coming creator or burgeoning creator.
Speaker:First of all, don't be like that.
Speaker:You will make.
Speaker:10 times more money sharing with people, how you do what you do.
Speaker:There is nothing to hide.
Speaker:Transparency is the flavor of the day, if you are sharing the knowledge, if you are
Speaker:giving the knowledge you will normally do.
Speaker:Going back to my boy, Lemuel, and what he says, givers gain,
Speaker:if you give you just gain.
Speaker:His famous line is the lemon tree is not afraid to bear lemons.
Speaker:You can take them as freely as you want.
Speaker:Because birds and people eat those lemons seeds hit the ground.
Speaker:You grow more trees.
Speaker:You know what I'm saying?
Speaker:It's the same thing for us creators.
Speaker:You have to be willing to share, but when you run into a gatekeeper,
Speaker:Someone that's saying, well, you can't be a real podcaster or cause
Speaker:you're not talking into an SM7B.
Speaker:Guilty, I've said it.
Speaker:I'm trying my best, not to say these dumb things anymore.
Speaker:Um, I may not have said that exact line, but things close to it.
Speaker:You want to be.
Speaker:Inviting look fam you can start your podcast right now.
Speaker:You can grab your phone.
Speaker:You can post up, you can get in that blank anchor.
Speaker:I do not like the anchor app.
Speaker:I absolutely straight up kind of sorta somewhat hate the anchor
Speaker:app because of Spotify, you know, sneaky conversation inside the
Speaker:terms of service that nobody reads.
Speaker:But I wouldn't tell somebody, don't start your podcast on anchor.
Speaker:I would tell them started there, get it popping.
Speaker:And once you know, you pass that seven episode wall.
Speaker:Hey, funny, this is episode seven.
Speaker:Uh, once you pass that seven episode wall, think about moving into someplace better.
Speaker:Think about.
Speaker:You know, maybe getting a Samsung, Q2U are an SM58 or a Scarlet
Speaker:start to level up your gear.
Speaker:These are better conversations.
Speaker:I'll admit I'll be the first to admit, I am guilty.
Speaker:A F of like, you should get this equipment first or don't even bother,
Speaker:or you should get this or that, or don't even bother I've said it myself because
Speaker:I had the experiences of using crappy stuff and not having the outcome, but
Speaker:it's better now a better conversation.
Speaker:And I'm going to give provenance and props to my buddy Tom buck, because Tom buck
Speaker:is one of the people that helped me see what it sounds like to be a gatekeeper.
Speaker:And it's funny because I have personally being gate kept lots.
Speaker:Uh, you ain't black enough, you're half breed or you're not, you know, Spanish
Speaker:enough, you know, or, uh, you're not, you know, this to call yourself a Japanese
Speaker:speaker because you don't write Kanzi.
Speaker:Well, now I write Kanji now what?
Speaker:Well, then now you're not a Japanese speaker because you only
Speaker:lived in the country for a year.
Speaker:I've lived here for 10 years.
Speaker:You lived there for 10 years, but my Japanese is better than yours.
Speaker:So what you know, so you're going to get these things and you just got
Speaker:to learn to deal with them people.
Speaker:Take what they say with a grain of salt.
Speaker:If there's anything in there that you can take and utilize to make
Speaker:yourself better, pick that up on that part of it, use that part of it.
Speaker:Take the part that is nonsense and throw it out the back of your mind.
Speaker:Just like out the back, you know what I'm saying?
Speaker:Some gatekeepers are trying to block you from coming to a certain space because
Speaker:they want more space of themselves.
Speaker:They have that jealousy, they have a scarcity mindset.
Speaker:They're afraid of the competition, things like that.
Speaker:There are other gatekeepers who are probably looking out for your best
Speaker:interest because of their experiences, but me, but you'll have to know that your
Speaker:experiences are going to be different.
Speaker:So don't use that as a place to stop.
Speaker:If you watch the news right now, right?
Speaker:And I'm not going to call nobody's political sides out or whatever,
Speaker:there are literally people that are out here, gatekeeping, patriotism.
Speaker:I have had people in conversations.
Speaker:Talk to me about.
Speaker:You know, well, you're not a Patriot because you do X and I'm like,
Speaker:yeah, fam, how long did you serve?
Speaker:And they're like, what?
Speaker:I'm in?
Speaker:Like how, how long did you serve?
Speaker:I don't know.
Speaker:You're talking about, I was like, yeah.
Speaker:You know, um, I served, so I think I, my patriotism is
Speaker:covered, you know what I'm saying?
Speaker:So you just have to be aware of them, know they're out there and you're going
Speaker:to see them spend any amount of time on TikTok, any amount of time on our
Speaker:reels, even YouTube or whatever and you're going to hear people gatekeeping.
Speaker:You know, this restaurant is this, or this is not real, you know, Mexican food or
Speaker:this is not real, you know, Japanese food.
Speaker:This is some other strange thing again, slightly guilty.
Speaker:, But normally not from the area of trying to keep you away for it.
Speaker:I probably said that because I want to introduce you to what is real and
Speaker:maybe I'll take you somewhere deeper.
Speaker:When you go to San Diego, And someone's, you know, you have some
Speaker:quote, unquote Flexican food somewhere.
Speaker:Somebody that knows better would be like, nah, fam let's go over to,
Speaker:um, uh, what is it called Logan or to Chicano Park and I'll take you
Speaker:to where some of the better ones.
Speaker:Where you can get more authenticity or you can just jump into whip, go to
Speaker:TJ and get that real deal holy field.
Speaker:You see what I mean?
Speaker:So there's that.
Speaker:I just wanted to have a quick conversation about it because as you
Speaker:get into creating, you are going to run into the keepers of the gate, and
Speaker:I want you to be prepared for that.
Speaker:Don't get discouraged by it, but try to make a way to take that info and
Speaker:use it to the best of your ability.
Speaker:And I also want to be a quick reminder to those of us out here.
Speaker:When you catch yourself being a gatekeeper, stop it.
Speaker:Number one, number two, go back to the person who you kept the gate on
Speaker:and maybe sliding their DM and kick them with an apology or something.
Speaker:Cause you may have been coming from a place of help, but a lot
Speaker:of times the gatekeeping hurts.
Speaker:You know what I mean?
Speaker:When, when I'm in, Asia or, you know, a different country and someone tells
Speaker:an American hyphen of that person when they come back to their country,
Speaker:that they're no longer that because you're half American or you're part
Speaker:of American or you grew up in America.
Speaker:That's weird.
Speaker:Happens a lot in Japan and Korea, China, when I'm there.
Speaker:People, you know, tease the Twinkies.
Speaker:That's what they call them.
Speaker:You know, it's just, it's not cool.
Speaker:It's not cool.
Speaker:Cause that person, you know, like, imagine us going me going back to Puerto Rico or
Speaker:me going back to Haiti or, you know, go to the, and they're just like, oh no, you
Speaker:can't be that because you were born here.
Speaker:You were born over there.
Speaker:That that's weird because here, you know, I don't get to be American sometimes.
Speaker:Which is weird.
Speaker:So, you know what I'm saying?
Speaker:That feeling of not belonging anywhere, it's not cool.
Speaker:I mean, I could just guess, imagine you're out here, say you having
Speaker:to be a music producer who also happens to be deep into their church.
Speaker:You're going to have hip hop.
Speaker:People tell you not hip hop enough because you're not thugging
Speaker:because you play pastor on Sunday.
Speaker:That's just not cool.
Speaker:That space cannot feel good.
Speaker:You know what I'm saying?
Speaker:So let's try for the sake of each other.
Speaker:To not do that to other people, especially those of us in the Creator 50 camp.
Speaker:'Cause I guarantee you we've all been through it.
Speaker:Cause we grew up in some of the most separate as times in the planet, which
Speaker:is why it's funny that so many of us are backsliding to that separation
Speaker:and building these weird silos.
Speaker:Because we know better.
Speaker:We came from that nonsense.
Speaker:We thought we grown out of it.
Speaker:So I just want to put that out there and see if we can do
Speaker:something about gatekeeping when it comes to the creative space.
Speaker:I just want to make it a better place gang.
Speaker:That wraps up episode seven.
Speaker:Oh, "Creator 50".
Speaker:I got to say in a big shout out Mahalo to my live audience.
Speaker:Who's there watching.
Speaker:I'm going to take some time to dive into context and, and, uh,
Speaker:meet and greet them real quick.
Speaker:And as by the time this episode hits.
Speaker:If you got something out of it, man, do me a favor.
Speaker:There's no other thing that you could do more important than to give an
Speaker:iTunes review and let other people know that helps people find the
Speaker:podcast or share it with somebody who, you know, who needs to hear this.
Speaker:Like keeping information to yourself again, not a good look fam!
Speaker:We got to share the good info.
Speaker:We got to share the positivity.
Speaker:Thank you, everyone who came to listen to the live recording.
Speaker:I did this one on Facebook.
Speaker:Eventually, I'm going to get these popping off on a YouTube channel, but I
Speaker:appreciate everyone for coming through.
Speaker:If you are hearing this for the first time you want to subscribe, you can
Speaker:get " Creator 50" at creator fifty.com
Speaker:. I will put show notes, links, and
Speaker:"Creator 50" community by going to Doc Rock dot live slash discord,
Speaker:jump into the community and we'll have conversations with you.
Speaker:if you got anything you want me to make an episode about hit me up.
Speaker:I'm all over the socials at Doc Rock just about everywhere.
Speaker:And I appreciate you folks for listening to another episode
Speaker:of the "Creator 50" podcast.
Speaker:I'm Doc Rock
Speaker:The Creator 50 Podcast is a production of Doc Rock Media, Copyright 2022
Speaker:. The show is supported and
Speaker:Please visit buy me a coffee dot com slash doc rock.
Speaker:The Sountrack is "Pepper & Salt by Blac" from Epidemic Sounds.
Speaker:Epidemic Sounds is a must for all Content Creators.
Speaker:You can try Epidemic Sounds for free at docrock dot live slash beats.
Speaker:You can find the show notes at creator fifty dot com.
Speaker:Thanks again for being a part of the Creator 50 Movement!