Episode 6
Podcast on YouTube Channel?
Aloha, welcome to the "Creator 50" podcast. I am Doc Rock, your content creation, coach, and host for the Creator 50 podcasts. Let's discuss when making podcast on YouTube if we should put them onto same channel we have or create a new one.
We know as stated Youtube is about to make a podcast specific situation in the very near future but this question will undoubtedly come up.
YouTube may be getting a dedicated podcasts homepage: https://creator50.live/75b
YouTube is Moving into Podcasts, With New Details Revealing its Podcast Platform Plans: https://creator50.live/uw1
HAWAII BRAND PHOTOGRAPHER: https://www.instagram.com/marianjeanvisual/
Welcome to Creator 50.
Doc:I am your podcast, host Doc Rock content creation, coach.
Doc:This is a podcast designed for gen X plus creators.
Doc:Getting into the creation game, already established, or just wanting to learn
Doc:more about becoming a content creator.
Doc:I've been a content creator for years.
Doc:Been in many different platforms, worked in many different parts of the
Doc:creation space and recently I have been, coaching other people, let's
Doc:just say of a certain vintage and getting them into the creasing game.
Doc:A lot of people falsely believe that content creation is something
Doc:that like only the kids do.
Doc:And I got to say, we're the ones with the best story and the best experience.
Doc:We're kind of some of the best people to be creating right
Doc:now and our segment is growing.
Doc:Our segment is growing massively all over the internet on the various platforms.
Doc:I'm here to try to make that easier and demystify some of that conversation.
Doc:In the last episode, if you haven't had a chance to see it
Doc:yet, it is over on creator50.com.
Doc:We talked about whether now starting now, right here in 2022,
Doc:if you should be starting a video podcast or an audio only podcast.
Doc:I'm going to say today, I think you should definitely be doing the hybrid
Doc:podcasts, which is both audio and video.
Doc:Possibly recording the video live and then taking out the audio portion,
Doc:editing it down and sending it over to your podcast aggregator.
Doc:The reason why I believe this is a thing is because I believe
Doc:that sometime this year, probably sooner, rather than later, YouTube
Doc:is going to generate a podcast tab.
Doc:When this happens, this is going to make the space open to a lot more people.
Doc:People who don't really maybe listen to podcasts or see video oriented
Doc:podcast right now, once they hit YouTube, it's going to get massive.
Doc:The numbers are already crazy.
Doc:Podcasts are growing like at a very insane rate before the situation happened.
Doc:Podcasts were about 750,000 and now podcast or well, over a million.
Doc:So you imagine in the course of the last year and a half to two years,
Doc:podcasts have grown by almost 300,000 podcasts and it's going to get bigger.
Doc:So now is the time if you've been sitting back and you've been
Doc:waiting, you got something to say or somebody you want to talk about,
Doc:just get things off your chest.
Doc:Discuss shows with your friends.
Doc:Now is the time to generate your podcasts.
Doc:The cool thing about video.
Doc:Is it a larger audience, the opportunity to connect with you on
Doc:a deeper level, because they're not just listening to your voice, they
Doc:have the opportunity to see your face and connect a body to the sound.
Doc:You're not listening to the disembodied voice.
Doc:In the process of this podcast, we'll get into more reasons as to why I believe
Doc:you should be doing video, but I wanted to talk today about if you already have
Doc:a YouTube channel, should you make a, another channel or should you continue
Doc:to have your podcasts happen on the channels that you're currently using?
Doc:Yeah, this is a very, very, I guess, problematic conversation because right now
Doc:we don't know what YouTube is going to do, but I'm going to give you some guidance
Doc:just based off of the way YouTube is now, and then we can decide what to do with it.
Doc:So if you have an established channel already, you might want to
Doc:go ahead and create another channel.
Doc:That's what I did.
Doc:Launch today 4/20/2022, I launched the Creator 50 channel on YouTube.
Doc:I did that because I do have about 13,000 followers on my regular channel.
Doc:If all of a sudden I make a hard pivot and once a week start putting on content
Doc:that doesn't match what they're used to.
Doc:It could make certain people get disconnected from the
Doc:channel, not understand what's going on possibly unsubscribe.
Doc:If your channel is young enough where you don't have that kind
Doc:of data, like my original Doc Rock channel, youtube.com/DocRock
Doc:that has been around since 2006.
Doc:If all of a sudden I started throwing my podcasts on there, it can go crooked.
Doc:And I know this because I've done this in the past before I knew any
Doc:better, I had been doing a podcast on that channel and it was horrible.
Doc:Right now, YouTube doesn't know how to differentiate from your podcast content
Doc:versus your live stream versus your shorts versus your standard, you know,
Doc:short slash long form video content.
Doc:It just kind of jumbles it all together.
Doc:This can be problematic for your advertisers and things like that.
Doc:If you already are part of the partner program.
Doc:I'm not a person who cares about the algorithm per se.
Doc:I go, according to my audience, I'm not chasing subscribers in that sort
Doc:of normal mentality, but I definitely think it could possibly mess up
Doc:things for right now because of the size of my channel and the length
Doc:of history on my channel; therefore, I decided to create a new channel.
Doc:I created the Creator 50 channel.
Doc:It was a funny experiment to show the people because I am a YouTube coach.
Doc:It's a fun experiment to show people what it's like to start a channel from zero.
Doc:I am oftentimes giving advice to people just starting out.
Doc:And, you know, they get this perceived notion that well you're
Doc:far removed from what it feels like to have under 20 subscribers so you
Doc:don't know what I'm talking about.
Doc:All right, cool.
Doc:I just started a channel that only has 13, as a matter of fact, when I started
Doc:this podcast and had 14, somebody already jumped and there's no content yet.
Doc:So, Hey, there's this.
Doc:You know, right.
Doc:So this is going to be a cool experiment because it allows me to grow a
Doc:channel from zero live and in public.
Doc:Just to show that I think I know what I'm doing when it comes to
Doc:growing the channel, we shall see.
Doc:Also, it would allow people who want to just get the podcast,
Doc:not to have to hear all the.
Doc:Conversations I have, or the YouTube coaching conversations I
Doc:have over on my standard channel.
Doc:In my YouTube coaching, I'm forever telling people that
Doc:you need to niche down.
Doc:The Riches is in the niches, as they say the riches are in the niches.
Doc:I don't say niches.
Doc:It's niche.
Doc:By putting it on a separate channel, I am making sure I am
Doc:not confusing my master channel.
Doc:Again, this might change when YouTube decides.
Doc:We are okay with it being on the same channel.
Doc:We're going to give you a special switch that you switch and it
Doc:won't screw up your algorithm.
Doc:Hey, I might pick everything up off the show and put it back on the Doc
Doc:Rock channel because it won't be, you know, like that channel is 600 plus
Doc:videos deep, I'd have a hard time moving things around this channel is going
Doc:to have one, the one we're creating right now, if you're listening on the.
Doc:Thank you, but I'm also doing it live as videos on the video channel,
Doc:because it's also an experiment in eating my own dog food as we
Doc:call it and doing the same thing.
Doc:I'm going to say, I'm not going to tell you to do something.
Doc:I wouldn't try myself.
Doc:This'll be a great experiment and seeing what it is.
Doc:One thing that I also wanted to point out while we're talking about it, if you
Doc:decide to do a video oriented podcast like, I will be doing, you want to record
Doc:those things live with your audience.
Doc:If you decide to take questions or comments from your audience,
Doc:make sure you're using a platform like Ecamm Live, that would allow
Doc:you to put comments on the screen.
Doc:Full disclosure.
Doc:I work at Ecamm, but I'm not an affiliate anymore.
Doc:Kind of doesn't matter.
Doc:I will put a random affiliate link for one of my homies in the
Doc:bottom, if you want to test it out.
Doc:But it is a thing where if someone does what I do, I'm speaking from my
Doc:experience and other people that have.
Doc:I often times am listening to a show on the television.
Doc:You're kind of keeping me company while I'm working.
Doc:I have a big screen TV up here.
Doc:If I'm in the house, I have the screen in the living room or the screen in
Doc:the bedroom on, and the host and the guests are keeping me company while
Doc:I'm say cleaning in the house, cooking, doing dishes, something of that nature.
Doc:Often times hosts will read a comment or respond to a comment
Doc:without putting the comment on screen and or without reading it out.
Doc:If you're going to be doing an AAV oriented podcast where you have a
Doc:visual element, as well as people at home element, you have to remember
Doc:to not only put the comment on screen as a visual thing, but also.
Doc:Read the question out before you answer it.
Doc:That's just a pro tip.
Doc:I want to put that out there because I have been watching people that are
Doc:slowly switching into the vodcast listened to the last episode.
Doc:I'm going to try to make the word vodcast stick.
Doc:It might be feudal, but Hey, let's try it.
Doc:If you are going to do something like a vodcast, you gotta remember,
Doc:there will be people listening and there will be people watching.
Doc:And a lot of times, especially.
Doc:All the TVs, having that ability to basically play YouTube.
Doc:Now you're going to want to read out the comment and then reply,
Doc:restate the question and then reply.
Doc:It's just a thing.
Doc:Like I said about all the TVs can do YouTube.
Doc:It's one of the reasons why you kind of want to get into
Doc:the video oriented podcasts.
Doc:We'll talk about that more in the next episode, I wanted to keep
Doc:this episode, little light one to announce the brand new channel.
Doc:You can find that over in YouTube, just search on Creator 50.
Doc:You'll see the purple icon.
Doc:That'd be it.
Doc:Once I get to a hundred subs, I'll make the URL youtube.com/Creator
Doc:50 provided it's available.
Doc:I believe it is.
Doc:If you happen to be watching the video side, there is a QR code on screen.
Doc:You can just point a camera at that.
Doc:If you're listening to this on creator50.com, iTunes, Spotify,
Doc:whatever, I will put links to the new YouTube channel in the show notes
Doc:so you have access to those things.
Doc:I'm going to be doing this as live streams.
Doc:Once that is available.
Doc:I just created the channel on YouTube yesterday.
Doc:I had to do some verification processes and things in order
Doc:to allow you to do it live.
Doc:But yeah, eventually this show will be recorded in front of a live audience.
Doc:So if you are a creator, say of a certain vintage and you need, questions
Doc:answered or advice, or what gear to buyer, how do I conduct an interview?
Doc:Like whatever questions you have.
Doc:I want to be able to do those live and answer those lines.
Doc:At the tail end of recording an episode.
Doc:So to kind of be like a pre show after show, show type thing.
Doc:If you're in that space and you're thinking about, Hey, I want to be
Doc:a guest on this show, hit me up.
Doc:Just drop me a line.
Doc:You can find me all over the social media at Doc Rock or Instagram at
Doc:Creator 50 spelled out creator f i f t y spelled out that's the IG just hit me.
Doc:Pop the QR code, leave a comment on a YouTube channel somewhere.
Doc:Find me and let's link up.
Doc:Let's get you on the show and let's help you get started.
Doc:One last thing before I go had an opportunity today to have a fantastic
Doc:chat with an up and coming creator, who just missed the cut and she's not quite
Doc:in the Creator 50 game, but we'll go ahead and allow her to be an honorary member.
Doc:My friend Marion, I'll put her link in the description.
Doc:She's an incredible creator.
Doc:She's making some really cool stuff.
Doc:And I just want to give her a shout out and thank her for the interview.
Doc:And wish her well on her progress in going into this creative community.
Doc:There's no better time than the present to be a creator.
Doc:Get at me, send me an email.
Doc:Uh, send me a comment on one of the socials and we will do whatever we
Doc:can to make sure we get you covered.
Doc:Thank you for listening to another episode of the Creator 50 podcast.
Doc:Once again, I am your host content creation, coach Doc Rock, and I will
Doc:see you on the next program, ALOHA!.
ont color="#feffff">ANNOUNCER:The Creator 50 Podcast is a production of Doc
ont color="#feffff">ANNOUNCER:Rock Media, Copyright 2022
ont color="#feffff">ANNOUNCER:. The show is supported and
ont color="#feffff">ANNOUNCER:Please visit buy me a coffee dot com slash doc rock.
ont color="#feffff">ANNOUNCER:Soundtrack is "Orange, by Siny" from Epidemc Sounds.
ont color="#feffff">ANNOUNCER:You can try Epidemic Sounds for free at docrock dot live slash beats.
b>Emily:You can find the show notes at creator fifty dot com.